Nextra and Vercel

Abishek, personal

I found Nextra while searching for simple static sites that you can deploy with ease. And this whole process has just been that, as easy as it gets. This is my first post and the only thing I needed to know technically was markdowns. Really simple if you are a noob.

I initally tried to work on the Nextra docs theme but that wasn't really what I was looking for. This current "blog" theme suits my needs more.

The only difficulty I had was when I wanted to display my résumé directly on the site but that didn't work out, so it's just linked for now. But no worries, I have plans to expand that page as a infographic for my technical expertise. Hope that pans out well!🤞

The plan is also to link this to my personal site and replace the current placeholder from

I also plan to post more "blog posts" like these, assuming I find interest to regularly write stuff!